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2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Goodman has big time raw power that should have fantasy baseball managers salivating about what could be with his power at Coors Field. he may have only hit one home run in 70 ABs with Colorado last year, but he had eight XBH total, not to mention a .186 ISO on the season. His numbers were brought down by a 1-for-27 skid to end the season, so if we ignore that stretch, he hit .302 with a .535 SLG and .233 ISO through his first 43 at-bats. He hit 25 home runs in 91 games at Double-A last season, and while the power is legitimate, so are the concerns about his overall hit tool. His strikeout rate has routinely settled in the mid-to-upper twenties, and in a small sample size last year, he posted a 40.4 percent O-Swing Rate, 64.8 percent contact rate, and 17 percent swinging strike rate. 

2024 Outlook: The hope is that with more development and maturation, his plate discipline will improve, but if his minor league track record is any indication of what is to come, then we may have to live with a good amount of swing-and-miss in his game. In his age 24 season, I'm bullish on Goodman's power, and I'm excited to see how he builds upon last year .486 SLG and .257 ISO at Coors Field. He's going to play every day in the Colorado lineup, and he's virtually free in drafts. Even if he strikes out 30 percent of the time and only hits .220, he still has 25+ home run upside, if not 30 or more. He's a low risk, high-ish reward pick this draft season.

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