{{player.market}} {{player.name}}

{{player.team.market}} {{player.team.name}} - {{player.position.alias}}
{{ Math.floor(player.metadata.height/12)}}'{{ Math.round(player.metadata.height%12)}}" / {{player.metadata.weight}} lbs

2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Schneider’s big league and fantasy baseball career got off to a bang as he slugged his way to a .403/.535/.881 triple slash with seven home runs and 19 RBI in his first 21 games. Reality hit hard as he limped to a .102/.200/.225 triple-slash with a 38.2% K rate in his final 14 games of the season. 

2024 Outlook: Schneider is probably not as good or bad as those two streaks suggest but as an extreme flyball and pull hitter who has shown the ability to hit the ball hard given enough at bats there’s a chance he can hit upwards of 20 home runs this season. Strikeouts will likely continue to be an issue as Schneider struggled against offspeed stuff (like many young hitters do) and that will probably limit his batting average to the mid .240 range. If his late season swoon carries over into this season, he could find himself sitting on the bench or back in the minor leagues. 

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