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2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: It was another magical season for Strider filled with strikeouts, tight pants, and that wondrous mustache. Hist stuff was electric again leading at a remarkable 36.8 K-rate and nearly a 5:1 K:BB ratio. However, it wasn’t all sunshine for Strider. His second half saw a 4.39 ERA which nearly matched his 4.35 ERA at home as well. The FIP, xFIP, and SIERA all show him well below that so more of a case of unlucky defense rather than a drop in skill. 

2024 Outlook: Strider and his mustache are setup for another good year in 2024. He’s one of the elite strikeout artists in the game and that’s not changing anytime soon. The concern might start to grow in the second half of the season as he seems to be a tad more hittable and miss less bats the more innings are on his arm in a season. That shouldn’t stop you from taking him as a fantasy ace though.

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