{{player.market}} {{player.name}}

{{player.team.market}} {{player.team.name}} - {{player.position.alias}}
{{ Math.floor(player.metadata.height/12)}}'{{ Math.round(player.metadata.height%12)}}" / {{player.metadata.weight}} lbs

2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Detmers made three more starts (28) than the year prior and increased his innings count from 129 to 148.2 which is a good development moving forward. We also saw his strikeouts per nine innings jump from 8.51 to 10.17 as his barrel rate against dropped to 6.2%. 

2024 Outlook: Walks, 3.63 per nine innings, will continue to limit Detmers and keep his ERA similar to his 4.48 mark from last year although he did have a 4.13 FIP. Detmers picked up 1.2 miles per hour in average fastball velocity, as he continues to progress in the right direction. It's unclear though how much more room Detmers has to improve other than incrementally as the control will put up some guardrails.

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