{{player.market}} {{player.name}}

{{player.team.market}} {{player.team.name}} - {{player.position.alias}}
{{ Math.floor(player.metadata.height/12)}}'{{ Math.round(player.metadata.height%12)}}" / {{player.metadata.weight}} lbs

2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Kjerstad has only 33 major league plate appearances, but he has a good minor league profile with a .305/.382/.504 career triple-slash. He has experience playing both in the outfield and at first base. 

2024 Outlook: The Orioles might try to occasionally get Kjerstad’s power left-handed bat in the lineup against right-handed pitching and if he gets hot and Mullins or Hays go into a prolonged slump or get injured Kjerstad might see regular playing time this season. 

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