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2024 Player Outlook

2023 Recap: Rogers came up guns a blazing in 2021 but has since struggled through injuries including just 18 innings in 2023. When he’s been on the mound good things have generally happened in terms of K-rate and ratios. Rogers has posted better than a strikeout per inning in his nearly 300 innings in the majors thus far. 

2024 Outlook: The issue for Rogers is just how many innings can he possibly get in in 2024? Coming off a season with just 18, it stands to reason he won’t get much above 110 in the majors. Even if Rogers is back to his 9.5 K/9 self with an upper-3s to low-4s ERA and solid WHIP, there just aren’t enough innings on the ledger for him to make that big of a difference.

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