Are you fed up with trying to receive those 140 characters answers on Twitter? Are you tired of calling in to a radio show and being forced to wait on hold for 45 minutes for an answer to your query? At Fantasy Alarm we’ve got the answer to all your problems – it's called Live Advice. is offering the first live chat of the 2016 baseball season today, Friday, April 22nd, at 2 PM EDT (11 AM PST). Yours truly, Ray Flowers, will be available to answer any and all fantasy questions you have (my BFF Jeff Mans is there as well to lend his expertise). Trade a closer? Add an outfielder? What is wrong with that struggling hurler? How much FAAB should you be spending this weekend on that free agent? What are our thoughts on a minor leaguer? Heck, I might even answer some football questions if you ask (that’s a lie. I won’t, but Jeff will).

Here's all you need to do to be a part of the event.

1 - You need to sign in to your Fantasy Alarm account. You can create an account for Free if you don’t have one (don't worry we aren't asking for a donation or anything).

2 – Make sure you are signed in to your Fantasy Alarm account.

3 - Click on this LIVE ADVICE LINK to join the fun.

That’s all you need to do.

Follow those three steps and you'll be able to ask The Oracle, and Mr. Mans, a question and get your answer in more than just one sentence.

I'm looking forward to cracking open a Red Bull, minus the vodka of course (cause I’m working) and interacting with all of you. Should be tons of fun so join Jeff and I at 2 PM EDT today.